Vision Night Report

See below for a report of vision night. By using the inks below you can listen in to what we heard and discussed.

Vision night part1 – worship and introductory talk

Vision night part2 – questions and comments

Vision night part3 – reports and close

28 members of the church were present. We began with worship, followed by a talk on Mark 2:1-12 the healing of he paralysed man.  Andy highlighted the following from the passage:

  • Put Jesus at the centre
  • Bring people to Jesus
  • Think outside of the box
  • Seek the power of Jesus

The conclusion of the onlookers was  “we have never seen anything like this…!” What would it take for our local community to say this of God’s work through the Ascension?

Renewing our Vision
* We reminded ourselves of our vision as a church to “make followers of Jesus Christ by helping people meet God and encourage each other, so that we build a church that is good news to the wider community.”
* We listed some of our mottos:  “A community Anglican church for people of all ages”, “Making followers of Jesus”, “Good news in our neighbourhood”
* And we were reminded of the process which lies behind our ministry as a church. A philosophy of movement, which we picture using the image of the sails of a windmill. Seeking to support those who belong, to become those who grow, and serve, and reach others with the good news of Jesus… they they might belong to him and enter into this life of worship of Christ. In other words, to move people from membership, into maturity, in to ministry, into mission.
Crudely depicted in the picture below.

the windmill 2 2010 sm

For us in 2010 and the next couple of years this particularly works out in our desire to:-
(1) expand our leadership team – with a Children and Families Worker.
(2) reorder our buildings – to make the welcoming and useful.

What can I offer?
The recent list of opportunities published in the newsletter was discussed in groups so that we could all think about what we had to offer to further the ministry through the church. The feedback/suggestions are noted below:

  • Include info in Patcham Post rather than our own magazine while resources are limited
  • A monthly lunch club for the elderly.  This would need a team of volunteers plus an upgrade to the kitchen.
  • Wendy sent a written suggestion that she and John had been discussing recently.  To flatten an area at the front of the church to make a piazza for events.
  • Prayer – bring this to the top of the agenda. The idea to set aside June to pray in various locations. The possibility of prayer ministry monthly in one of our services. Have a time when the church is open for people to come and pray/talk. An early morning prayer time (before work)
  • The possibility of a Healing Service (not just for physical healing)
  • Do we have practical things we can offer the community?

Events Coming Up

  • Long Lazy Day Away 20 June
  • Community BBQ – meeting on May 23rd to plan
  • Holiday Club – meeting
  • Ascension Arts 2011

Focus Group 2010-2011  (updated)

Christine has given her resignation from the Focus Group and PCC.  She has given an enormous amount in her service to the church over many years, both seen and unseen.

Members: Olive Ridge, Helen Shired, Jan Lank, Margaret Harvey, Mathew Philip, Jean Careford, Edward Blanden, Sarah Blanden, Margy Oldfield,  Andy Bousfield, Katy Halliday, Andy Parke.

Children and Families Worker

A group is working on employing someone for this post.  Please continue to pray that God would send us the right person.

News Sheet

Hall Hire

Kids & Family
