The Alpha Course

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Starts 15th Jan
Runs every Tuesday evening for 10 weeks
A meal, a presentation, a discussion.
From 7pm – 9.30pm
At All Saints’ Barn behind All Saints’ Church Patcham.
Register through All Saints or the Ascension.

Take Time – explore life’s big questions.

Busy lives and a bustling world that seems to place emphasis on “things” is confusing and can make our experience shallow and unsatisfying. It’s a New Year and whilst the idea of  New Year’s Resolution might not appeal, I suspect many do think that there are things to look at and do differently.

Alpha courses are Christian based but they are for all who want time to consider the bigger questions, eclipsed elsewhere in the modern world, and to try and make sense of life.

Bear Grylls, TV Adventurer says: I believe the Alpha Course touches lives. I have seen so many people find a personal relationship with God & a quiet strength in their life after doing the course – me included – and it takes a proud man to say he never needs any help.

Deborah Orr, Journalist: Doing an Alpha Course is challenging and serious fun, even if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool atheist like me.

Ugo Monye, England Rugby International: I fell in love with the whole concept. It is a fantastic tool, which gives me an ability to ask questions, learn a lot more and discuss it all with different people.

Kara Messina, London: The Alpha Course changed the way I looked at life and the relationships with people around me.

All Saints Patcham & Ascension Westdene invite you to join them on an Alpha course starting on Tues Jan 15th. It will be in All Saints Church Barn starting at 7pm and lasting 10 weeks. There is also a Saturday session (date to be decided). We start with a simple meal, which is followed by a DVD talk, and then the opportunity to discuss. If you would like to know more, please see our respective websites: and or contact myself on 552157 or Andy Bousfield 503926. As the advertising for Alpha puts it; ‘Keep searching. Life is worth exploring!’   Andy Flowerday, Vicar All Saints

Take Time – explore life’s big questions.
Busy lives and a bustling world that seems to place emphasis on “things” is confusing and can make our experience shallow and unsatisfying. It’s a New Year and whilst the idea of  New Year’s Resolution might not appeal, I suspect many do think that there are things to look at and do differently.
Alpha courses are Christian based but they are for all who want time to consider the bigger questions, eclipsed elsewhere in the modern world, and to try and make sense of life.
Bear Grylls, TV Adventurer says:  I believe the Alpha Course touches lives. I have seen so many people find a personal relationship with God & a quiet strength in their life after doing the course – me included – and it takes a proud man to say he never needs any help.
Deborah Orr, Journalist: Doing an Alpha Course is challenging and serious fun, even if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool atheist like me.
Ugo Monye, England Rugby International: I fell in love with the whole concept. It is a fantastic tool, which gives me an ability to ask questions, learn a lot more and discuss it all with different people.
Kara Messina, London: The Alpha Course changed the way I looked at life and the relationships with people around me.
All Saints Patcham & Ascension Westdene invite you to join them on an Alpha course starting on Tues Jan 15th. It will be in All Saints Church Barn starting at 7pm and lasting 10 weeks. There is also a Saturday session (date to be decided). We start with a simple meal, which is followed by a DVD talk, and then the opportunity to discuss. If you would like to know more, please see our respective websites: and or contact myself on 552157 or Andy Bousfield 503926. As the advertising for Alpha puts it; ‘Keep searching. Life is worth exploring!’   Andy Flowerday, Vicar All Saints

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