Membership Renewal 2013

Membership Pack 2013
Every six years the Anglican Church asks us to renew from scratch our membership list, known as the Electoral Roll. Therefore during the period of February-March 2013 we are inviting all regular attendees of the Ascension to express their membership by completing an Electoral Roll form which is to be returned by Sunday 17th March. Forms returned after this will be processed at the next available Parochial Church Council (PCC).
God’s plan for his church is that we would belong to a local community of faith. This is for our own protection, and spiritual growth, and for the good of others. It is calling that will require something from us. But the local church is also God’s means for us to receive so much more. Therefore, I do urge you to consider the renewal of  your Electoral Roll membership as a personal act of commitment: to God, and to the church family. I would encourage you to express this through supporting the ministry of our church: personally, and in prayer and in giving. Likewise, I would encourage you to receive regularly: on Sundays, and in a small group setting, and through supportive friendships within the body of Christ. It is in this way that we give and receive in the Christian family. As we do so the kingdom of God grows in us and through us. We do all this in response to a generous God who makes us generous in return.
Generosity is much wider than giving, but our attitude to it is a good marker of the work of God in us. We want you to be informed of our finances so you may partner with us as we serve Jesus through missions, ministry and buildings.
Missions: Budget £3,700. We give away at least 10% of our income to missions at home and abroad, and particularly to 12 mission partners which we now feature on Sundays every month.
Ministry & Outreach: Budget £56,500 (plus £20K for Families Work from grants and our Legacy fund). This covers salaries and general costs. Last year’s events supported our outreach and brought in revenue. This year we add further families work: extending the Toddler Group (new name), Holiday Clubs, Family Films Time, and Messy Church.
Buildings: Budget £8,900 (and a renovation target of £25K). In 2012 we spent £46K from our Legacy fund to build the kitchenette, install new heating and put in a new bathroom at 32 Fairview Rise. This year we aim to decorate, and to reorder the main space. (Only £12K remains in the Legacy fund for buildings, and £22K for Familes Work)
Our operational budget for 2013 is £69,150 and our current income is £45,000. Our target income is £47,600 and £13,000 for refurbishment. Our shortfall is a concern, but is not a hindrance to current ministry.

Every six years the Anglican Church asks us to renew from scratch our membership list, known as the Electoral Roll. Therefore during the period of February-March 2013 we are inviting all regular attendees of the Ascension to express their membership by completing an Electoral Roll form which is to be returned by Sunday 17th March. Forms returned after this will be processed at the next available Parochial Church Council (PCC). Download a form here.


God’s plan for his church is that we would belong to a local community of faith. This is for our own protection, and spiritual growth, and for the good of others. It is calling that will require something from us. But the local church is also God’s means for us to receive so much more. Therefore, I do urge you to consider the renewal of  your Electoral Roll membership as a personal act of commitment: to God, and to the church family. I would encourage you to express this through supporting the ministry of our church: personally, and in prayer and in giving. Likewise, I would encourage you to receive regularly: on Sundays, and in a small group setting, and through supportive friendships within the body of Christ. It is in this way that we give and receive in the Christian family. As we do so the kingdom of God grows in us and through us. We do all this in response to a generous God who makes us generous in return.

Generosity is much wider than giving, but our attitude to it is a good marker of the work of God in us. We want you to be informed of our finances so you may partner with us as we serve Jesus through missions, ministry and buildings. In our Lent Series we explore “Radical Generosity” starting with God’s, then looking at ours and ending with Christ’s as we approach Easter.

Please as you take this special opportunity to review your commitment to the Ascension would you also pray and review your giving? For more information please see our membership pack or contact Simon Ashdown for finance questions.

Andy Bousfield.

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